Dirty Laundry
A collaborative installation about how American women are “hung out to dry” by micro-aggressions ranging from aggressive conditioning through toys to ineffective healthcare as a result of not being taken seriously by doctors.
Originally envisioned as an installation, Dirty Laundry was meant to hang down the main hallway of SCAD’s Adler Hall in Savannah, GA. The clothesline hung between pillars down the hall, mimicking the traditionally feminine chore of laundry. Each designer outfitted her section with items related to her topic, from little “girl’s” toys as a commentary on feminine domestic conditioning to fatigues and dog tags supporting the trying role of women in the military. The team went through all the proper channels and got department clearance, but after only one day up they were required to remove it from its original placement, despite the faculty’s best efforts to go to bat for the team. The relocation was taken in stride and the women’s work continued to be seen for several weeks.